5.4. MEA: Multi-Electrode Array Processing¶
Check examples here: Multi-Electrode-Array (MEA)

Multi-Electrode Arrays System utilies an array of electrodes mounted on a small plate as a grid electrodes (e.g. 60) evenly spaced (700mm apart). It is used to analyse the eletrophysiology of cells/tissues under different clinical conditions by stimulating with certain voltage on a regular intervals. As shown in figure below, a plate of MEA system of 60 electrodes (source: https://www.multichannelsystems.com/products/meas-60-electrodes). One of the commonly used research field is the cardiac electrophysiology.

This python library analyse the recorded signal file, by extracting the electrograms (EGMs) from signal recoding of each eletrodes, and extracting the features of each EGM.

5.4.1. Complete Analysis of a recording¶
One of the simple function to provide complete analysis of recorded file is to use `spkit.mea.analyse_mea_file`
This uses the default settings of all the paramters for extracting electrograms, identifying bad eletrodes, extracting features and plotting figures.
needs two essential inputs, `files_name`
: a full path of recoding file in ‘.h5’ format and `stim_fhz`
frequency of stimulus in Hz.
An example with minimal settings<auto_examples/multielectrode-array/plot_mea_minimal_setting_example.html>

import spkit as sp

5.4.2. Step-wise Analysis¶
There are 13 steps to analyse a recording file, which are as follow
Read HDF File
Stim loc
Align Cycles
Average Cycles/Select one
Activation Time
Activation & Repolarisation Time
Extract EGM
EGM Feature Extraction
BAD Channels
Feature Matrix
Conduction Velocity
5.4.3. 1. Read HDF File¶
5.4.4. 2. Stim Localisation¶
5.4.5. 3. Alignment of Stim Cycles¶
5.4.6. 4. Averaging Cycles or Selecting one¶
5.4.7. 5. Activation Time¶
5.4.8. 6. Repolarisation Time (optional)¶
5.4.9. 7. APD (if RT is computed)¶
apd_ms = rt_loc_ms-at_loc_ms
5.4.10. 8. Extracting EGM¶
5.4.11. 9. EGM Feature Extraction¶
5.4.12. 10. Identifying BAD Channels/electrodes¶
5.4.13. 11. Creating Feature Matrix¶
5.4.14. 12. Interpolation¶
5.4.15. 13. Conduction Velocity¶
5.4.16. Plots and Figures¶
5.4.17. Extracting EGM¶

5.4.18. EGM Processing & Feature Extractions¶

5.4.19. Conduction and Activation Map¶