About Us
This open-source work was started in 2019, since then many of the signal processing algorithms have been incorparated in spkit. Our aim is to make variety of signal processing techniques and algorithms acceesible and easy to use. We continue to work on this project, to improve the library by including more algorithms, examples and tutorials.

Nikesh Bajaj
Lecturer in Data Science
Centre for Intelligent Sensing, Faculty of Science and Engineering,
Queen Mary University of London, UK
Email: nikesh.bajaj@qmul.ac.uk

Jesús Requena Carrión
Senior Lecturer in Data Analytics
Centre for Intelligent Sensing, School of Electronic
Engineering and Computer Science,
Queen Mary University Of London, UK
Email: jrcarrion@qmul.ac.uk
If you use spkit in your research or work - please consider citing.
@misc{spkit@2019, author = {Bajaj,Nikesh and Requena Carrión, Jesús}, title = { {SpKit: Signal Processing Toolkit}}, url = {https://spkit.github.io}, version = {}, year={2021}, note ={version 0.9.3, \url{https://spkit.github.io}}, howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/Nikeshbajaj/spkit}}, publisher={Python package, Github} }
Related Projects (on-going projects)
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