
spkit.mea.plot_mea_grid(X, ch_labels, fs=25000, bad_channels=[], act_spikes=[], rep_spikes=[], fill_apd=False, fill_color='C0', verbose=1, xlim=(None, None), limy=False, ylim=(None, None), figsize=(12, 9), title_style=1, show=True, title='')

Plot MEA Grid 8x8: Visualisation of EGM/Signal in MEA Grid Form

Plot MEA Grid 8x8: Visualisation of EGM/Signal in MEA Grid Form

X: np. array
  • (nch,n) - nch = number of channels, n=number of samples of a SINGLE CYLCLE

  • axis=0 is a channel.

  • sampling frequency,

ch_labels: list
  • list of label of each channel.

  • It is used to arrange signals in MEA grid

bad_channels: list
  • list of bad channels, should be inclusive of ch_labels

  • Bad channels are plotted with red color

  • if passed empty list, all the channels are considered good and plotted in Blue

act_spikes: list
  • list of activation spike location for each channel

  • Same length as number of channels. If passed, it is used to display activation time as

  • a verticle line with black color, if passed as empty, no line is plotted.

rep_spikes: list
  • list of repolarisation spike location for each channel.

  • Same length as number of channels. If passed, it is used to display repolarisation time as

  • a verticle line with green color, if passed as empty, no line is plotted.

fill_apd: bool,
  • if True, a region between activation time and repolarisation time is shaded with ‘fill_color’

fill_color: str,
  • color to fill for APD

xlim: tuple (t0,t1), default = (None,None)
  • x-axis limits in ms. To zoom in or plot specific duration

ylim: tuple (y0,y1), default = (None,None)
  • y-axis limits. To zoom in or plot specific height

  • only used if limy=True

limybool, default=False.
  • if True, y-axis of all the channels are fixed to same limit

  • If True, and ylim = (None, None), min and max of all the channels are computed as used same for all channels

figsize=(12,9): Figure size
title_style: int,
  • if 1 : each channels has its title,

  • if 2 : only plots at boundaries has index number

title: str, default =’’
  • title of whole figure

show: bool, default = True,
  • if True, plt.show() is executed, if false, not.

  • useful if to edit some properties of figure

verbose: 0 Silent
  • 1 a few details

  • 2 all the computations

  • display: plots


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os, requests
import spkit as sp

# Download Sample file if not done already

file_name= 'MEA_Sample_North_1000mV_1Hz.h5'

if not(os.path.exists(file_name)):
    path = 'https://spkit.github.io/data_samples/files/MEA_Sample_North_1000mV_1Hz.h5'
    req = requests.get(path)
    with open(file_name, 'wb') as f:

fs = 25000
at_range = [0,50]
dur_from_loc = 5
remove_drift = True
bad_channels_list = [15,23, 25, 27, 28, 31, 34, 36]

X,fs,ch_labels = sp.io.read_hdf(file_name,fs=fs,verbose=1)
stim_loc,_  = sp.mea.get_stim_loc(X,fs=fs,fhz=stim_fhz, plot=0,verbose=0)

XB = sp.mea.align_cycles(X,stim_loc,fs=fs, exclude_first_dur=exclude_first_dur,dur_after_spike=dur_after_spike,

X1B = np.nanmean(XB,axis=2)

at_loc = sp.mea.activation_time_loc(X1B,fs=fs,at_range=at_range)

XE,ATloc = sp.mea.extract_egm(X1B,act_loc=at_loc,fs=fs,dur_from_loc=dur_from_loc,remove_drift=remove_drift)

                    figsize=(8,7),title_style=1, title='Time Trace + AT')

                    figsize=(8,7),title_style=2, title='Electrograms: EGMs')

Examples using spkit.mea.plot_mea_grid

MEA: Step-wise Analysis: Example

MEA: Step-wise Analysis: Example