- spkit.sineModel_analysis(x, fs, winlen, overlap=None, window='blackmanharris', nfft=None, thr=-10, maxn_sines=100, minDur=0.01, freq_devOffset=20, freq_devSlope=0.01)¶
Analysis of a signal x using the sinusoidal model
Analysis of a signal x using the sinusoidal model
Decomposing a signal x into sine waves tracks over the time
- Parameters:
- xinput signal - 1d-array of shape (n,)
- fs: sampling frequency
- winlenwindow length for analysis
- overlap: overlap of windows
: if None overlap = winlen//4
- windowwindow type (default = ‘blackmanharris’) e.g. hann,ham
- nfft: FFT-points used for analysis, should be >=winlen and should be of power of 2
: if None, than nfft = ceil[2**log2(winlen)]
- thrthreshold in negative dB for selecting sine tracks
- maxn_sines: maximum number of sines per frame
- minDurminimum duration of sines in seconds
- freq_devOffset: minimum frequency deviation
- freq_devSlopeslope increase of minimum frequency deviation
- Returns:
- fXtfrequencies
- mXtmagnitudes
- pXt: phases of sinusoidal tracks
See also
Discreet Fourier Transform - DFT
Inverse Discreet Fourier Transform - iDFT
Short-Time Fourier Transform - STFT
Inverse Short-Time Fourier Transform - iSTFT
Fractional Frourier Transform - FRFT
Inverse Fractional Frourier Transform - iFRFT
Sinasodal Model Decomposition
Sinasodal Model Synthesis
import requests from scipy.io import wavfile import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import spkit as sp path = 'https://github.com/MLEndDatasets/samples/raw/main/HWD_HP_hum_1.wav?raw=True' req = requests.get(path) with open('downloaded_file.wav', 'wb') as f: f.write(req.content) fs, x = wavfile.read('downloaded_file.wav') t = np.arange(x.shape[0])/fs N=10 fXst, mXst, pXst = sp.sineModel_analysis(x,fs,winlen=3001,overlap=750, window='blackmanharris', nfft=None, thr=-10, maxn_sines=N,minDur=0.01, freq_devOffset=10,freq_devSlope=0.1) xr = sp.sineModel_synthesis(fXst, mXst, pXst,fs,overlap=750,crop_end=False) mXt, pXt = sp.stft_analysis(x,winlen=3001,overlap=750,plot=False) fXt1 = (fXst.copy())*(mXst>0) fXt1[fXt1==0]=np.nan tx = t[-1]*np.arange(fXt1.shape[0])/fXt1.shape[0] fig, (ax1, ax2,ax3) = plt.subplots(3, 1, gridspec_kw={'height_ratios': [1,2,1]},figsize=(10,6)) ax1.plot(t,x) ax1.set_xlim([t[0],t[-1]]) ax1.set_ylabel('X: input') ax1.grid() ax1.set_xticklabels('') ax2.imshow(mXt.T,aspect='auto',origin='lower',cmap='jet',extent=[t[0],t[-1],0,fs/2],interpolation='bilinear') ax2.plot(tx,fXt1,color='k',lw=1,label='sin-tracks') ax2.set_ylabel('STFT(x) Frequency (Hz)') ax2.set_xticklabels('') ax2.set_ylim([0,10000]) ax2.legend([f'sine-tracks (N={N})']) ax3.plot(t,xr[:len(t)]) ax3.set_xlim([t[0],t[-1]]) ax3.set_ylabel('XR: recon') ax3.grid() ax3.set_xlabel('Time (s)') fig.suptitle('Sinusoidal Model: Analysis and Synthesis') plt.tight_layout() plt.show()