
spkit.entropy(x, alpha=1, base=2, normalize=False, is_discrete=False, bins='fd', return_n_bins=False, ignoreZero=False, esp=1e-10)

Entropy \(H(X)\)

Given a sequence or signal x (1d array), compute entropy H(x).

If ‘is_discrete’ is true, given x is considered as discreet sequence and to compute entropy, frequency of all the unique values of x are computed and used to estimate H(x), which is straightforward.

However for real-valued sequence (is_discrete=False), first a density of x is computed using histogram method, and using optimal bin-width (Freedman Diaconis Estimator), as it is set to bins=’fd’.

Rényi entropy of order α (generalised form) alpha:[0,inf]
  • alpha = 0: Max-entropy

    \(H(x) = log(N)\) where N = number of bins

  • alpha= 1: Shannan entropy

    \(H(x) = -\sum{P(x)*log(P(x))}\)

  • alpha = 2 or ..Collision entropy or Rényi entropy

    \(H(x) = 1/(1-α)*log{\sum{P(x)^α}}\)

  • alpha = inf:Min-entropy:

    \(H(x) = -log(max(P(x)))\)

x1d array
  • input sequence or signal

is_discrete: bool, default=False.
  • If True, frequency of unique values are used to estimate H(x)

alphafloat between 0 to infinity [0,inf], (default=1)
  • alpha = 1 (default), shannan entropy is computed - \(H(x) = -\sum{Px*log(Px)}\)

  • alpha = 0, maximum entropy: \(H(x) = log(N)\), where N = number of bins

  • alpha = ‘inf’ or np.inf, minimum entropy, \(H(x) = -log(max(Px))\)

  • for any other value of alpha, Collision entropy or Rényi entropy, \(H(x) = 1/(1-α)*log{\sum{Px^α}}\)

base: base of log, (default=2)
  • decides the unit of entropy

  • if base=2 (default) unit of entropy is in bits, base=e, nats, base=10, bans

.. versionadded::
normalize: bool, default = False
  • if true, normalised entropy is returned, \(H(x)/max{H(x)} = H(x)/log(N)\), which has range 0 to 1.

  • It is useful, while comparing two different sources to enforce the range of entropy between 0 to 1.

bins: {str, int}, bins=’fd’ (default)
  • str decides the method of compute bin-width, bins=’fd’ (default) is considered as optimal bin-width of a real-values signal/sequence. check help(spkit.bin_width) for more Methods

  • if bins is integer, then fixed number of bins are computed. It is useful, while comparing two different sources by enforcing the same number of bins.

return_n_bins: bool, (default=False)
  • if True, number of bins are also returned.

ignoreZero: bool, default =False
  • if true, probabilities with zero value will be omited, before computations

  • It doesn’t make much of difference

HEntropy value
Nnumber of bins, only if return_n_bins=True

See also


Sample Entropy


Approximate Entropy


Dispersion Entropy


Spectral Entropy


SVD Entropy


Permutation Entropy


Differential Entropy



>>> import numpy as np
>>> import spkit as sp
>>> np.random.seed(1)
>>> x = np.random.rand(10000)
>>> y = np.random.randn(10000)
>>> #Shannan entropy
>>> H_x = sp.entropy(x,alpha=1)
>>> H_y = sp.entropy(y,alpha=1)
>>> print('Shannan entropy')
>>> print('Entropy of x: H(x) = ',H_x)
>>> print('Entropy of y: H(y) = ',H_y)
>>> print('')
>>> Hn_x = sp.entropy(x,alpha=1, normalize=True)
>>> Hn_y = sp.entropy(y,alpha=1, normalize=True)
>>> print('Normalised Shannan entropy')
>>> print('Entropy of x: H(x) = ',Hn_x)
>>> print('Entropy of y: H(y) = ',Hn_y)
>>> np.random.seed(None)
    Shannan entropy
    Entropy of x: H(x) =  4.458019387223165
    Entropy of y: H(y) =  5.043357283463282
    Normalised Shannan entropy
    Entropy of x: H(x) =  0.9996833158270148
    Entropy of y: H(y) =  0.8503760993630085

Examples using spkit.entropy

Entropy - Real-Valued Source

Entropy - Real-Valued Source