
spkit.dispersion_entropy_multiscale_refined(x, classes=10, scales=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], emb_dim=2, delay=1, mapping_type='cdf', de_normalize=False, A=100, Mu=100, return_all=False, warns=True)

Multiscale refined Dispersion Entropy of signal \(H_{de}(X)\)

Calculate multiscale refined dispersion entropy of signal x

compute dispersion entropy at different scales (defined by argument - ‘scales’) and combining the patterns found at different scales to compute final dispersion entropy

xinput signal x - 1d-array of shape=(n,)
classesnumber of classes - (levels of quantization of amplitude) (default=10)
emb_dimembedding dimension,
delaytime delay (default=1)
scaleslist or 1d array of scales to be considered to refine the dispersion entropy
mapping_type: mapping method to discretizing signal (default=’cdf’)

: options = {‘cdf’,’a-law’,’mu-law’,’fd’}

Afactor for A-Law- if mapping_type = ‘a-law’
Mufactor for μ-Law- if mapping_type = ‘mu-law’
de_normalize: (bool) if to normalize the entropy, to make it comparable with different signal with different

number of classes and embeding dimensions. default=0 (False) - no normalizations

if de_normalize=1:
  • dispersion entropy is normalized by log(Npp); Npp=total possible patterns. This is classical way to normalize entropy since max{H(x)}<=np.log(N) for possible outcomes. However, in case of limited length of signal (sequence), it would be not be possible to get all the possible patterns and might be incorrect to normalize by log(Npp), when len(x)<Npp or len(x)<classes**emb_dim. For example, given signal x with discretized length of 2048 samples, if classes=10 and emb_dim=4, the number of possible patterns Npp = 10000, which can never be found in sequence length < 10000+4. To fix this, the alternative way to nomalize is recommended as follow.

de_normalize=2: (recommended for classes**emb_dim > len(x)/scale)
  • dispersion entropy is normalized by log(Npf); Npf [= (len(x)-(emb_dim - 1) * delay)] the total number of patterns founds in given sequence. This is much better normalizing factor. In worst case (lack of better word) - for a very random signal, all Npf patterns could be different and unique, achieving the maximum entropy and for a constant signal, all Npf will be same achieving to zero entropy

  • dispersion entropy is normalized by log(Nup); number of total unique patterns (NOT RECOMMENDED) - it does not make sense (not to me, at least)

disp_entrdispersion entropy of the signal
probprobability distribution of patterns
if return_all True - also returns
patterns_dict: disctionary of patterns and respective frequencies
x_discretediscretized signal x
(Npf,Npp,Nup): Npf - total_patterns_found, Npp - total_patterns_possible) and Nup - total unique patterns found

: Npf number of total patterns in discretized signal (not total unique patterns)

See also


Dispersion Entropy




Sample Entropy


Approximate Entropy


Spectral Entropy


SVD Entropy


Permutation Entropy


Differential Entropy


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import spkit as sp
x1, fs = sp.data.optical_sample(sample=1)
t = np.arange(len(x1))/fs
H_de1, prob1  = sp.dispersion_entropy_multiscale_refined(x1,classes=10,scales=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8])
print('DE of x1 = ',H_de1)
plt.plot(t,x1, label=f'H_d(x1) = {H_de1:,.2f}')
plt.xlabel('time (s)')
plt.legend(loc='upper right')