
spkit.get_repolarisation_time(x, fs, at_loc, t_range=[0.5, 20], method='min_dvdt', gradient_method='fdiff', sg_window=11, sg_polyorder=3, gauss_window=0, gauss_itr=1, verbose=False, **kwargs)

Get Repolarisation Time based on Gradient

Get Repolarisation Time based on Gradient

In contrast to ‘Activation Time’ in cardiac electrograms, Repolarisation Time, also refered as Recovery Time, indicates a time at which repolarisation of cells/tissues/heart occures.

Repolarisation time in signal is again a reflected by maximum deflection (mostly negative), after activation occures. That is equal to min-dvdt, after activation time, if signal is a volatge signal and function of time x = v(t)

However, Repolarisation Time is very hard to detect reliably, due to very small electrogram, which is mostly lost in noise.

x: 1d-array,
  • input signal

fs: int,
  • sampling frequency

at_loc: int,
  • location (index) of activation time, this is used to avoid any deflections before at_loc

t_range: list of [t0 (ms),t1 (ms)]
  • range of time to restrict the search of repolarisation time.

  • Search start from (1000*at_loc/fs + t0) to (1000*at_loc/fs + t1) ms of given signal

  • during t0 ms to t1 ms
    • if t_range=[None,None], whole input signal after at_loc is considered for search

    • if t_range=[t0,None], excluding signal before 1000*at_loc/fs + t0 ms

    • if t_range=[None,t1], limiting search to 1000*at_loc/fs to t1 ms


NOTE: It is recommonded to add a small time gap after at_loc, t_range = [0.5, None] or [1, None]

As next max deflection is almost always very near (within a few sample) to at_loc, which will leads to rt_loc very close to at_loc

methoddefault = “min_dvdt”
  • Method to compute Repolarisation Time, “min_dvdt” is the used in literature, however, it depends on the kind of signal.

  • Some literation suggests to use max_dvdt instead of min_dvdt, but mostly agree on min_dvdt.

  • There is Wyatt method and Alternative method, suggest diffrent location points as repolarisation time.

  • It can be chosen one of {“max_dvdt”, “min_dvdt”, “max_abs_dvdt”},

gradient_method: default =”fdiff”, {“fdiff”, “fgrad”,”sgdiff”,”sgdrift_diff”,”sgsmooth_diff”, “gauss_diff”}
  • Method to compute gradient of signal

  • One of {“fdiff”, “fgrad”, “npdiff”,”sgdiff”,”sgdrift_diff”,”sgsmooth_diff”, “gauss_diff”}

  • Check signal_diff for more details on the method

  • If signal is noisy try “sgsmooth_diff” or “gauss_diff”

Parameters for gradient_method:
  • used if gradient_method in one of (“sgdiff”,”sgdrift_diff”,”sgsmooth_diff”, “gauss_diff”)

  • sg_window: sgolay-filter’s window length

  • sg_polyorder: sgolay-filter’s polynomial order

  • gauss_window: window size of gaussian kernel for smoothing,

  • check signal_diff for more details on the method

rtactivation time (ms)
loc: index
mag: magnitude of deflection
dxderivative of signal x





import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import spkit as sp
x, fs = sp.data.ecg_sample(sample=1)
x = sp.filterDC_sGolay(x,window_length=fs//2+1)
x = sp.filter_smooth_gauss(x,window_length=31) 
x = x[int(0.02*fs):int(0.4*fs)]
t = 1000*np.arange(len(x))/fs
at,loc,mag,dx= sp.get_activation_time(x,fs=fs,method='min_dvdt',gradient_method='fdiff')
rt,loc,mag, dx = sp.get_repolarisation_time(x,fs,at_loc=loc,t_range=[50,None],method='min_dvdt',gradient_method='fdiff')

plt.axvline(at,color='r',label=f'AT = {at:0.2f} ms')
plt.axvline(rt,color='g',label=f'RT = {rt:0.2f} ms')
plt.xlabel('time (ms)')
plt.title('Activation Time and Repolarisation Time')