
spkit.eeg.ATAR_1Ch(x, wv='db3', winsize=128, thr_method='ipr', OptMode='soft', IPR=[25, 75], beta=0.1, k1=None, k2=100, est_wmax=100, theta_a=inf, bf=2, gf=0.8, wpd_mode='symmetric', wpd_maxlevel=None, recons_method='atar-style', window=['hamming', True], hopesize=None, packetwise=False, WPD=True, lvl=[], verbose=False, bound_warn=True, **kwargs)

ATAR : Automatic and Tunable Artifact Removal Algorithm (single channel)

ATAR: - Automatic and Tunable Artifact Removal Algorithm : Single Channel

Apply ATAR on short windows of signal (single channel):

Signal is decomposed in smaller overlapping windows and reconstructed after correcting using overlap-add method.

For more details, check [1]_

Operating Modes

1. Soft Thresholding

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\lambda_s (w) &= w & \quad \text{if } |w|<\theta_{\gamma}\\ &= \theta_{\alpha} \frac{1 - e^{\alpha w}}{1 + e^{\alpha w}} & \quad \text{otherwise}\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

2. Elimination

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\lambda_e (w) &= w & \quad \text{if } |w| \le \theta_{\alpha}\\ &= 0 & \quad \text{otherwise}\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

3. Linear Attenuation

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\lambda_a (w) &= w & \quad \text{if } |w| \le \theta_{\alpha}\\ &= sgn(w) \theta_{\alpha} \Big( 1 - \frac{|w| - \theta_{\alpha}}{\theta_{\beta}-\theta_{\alpha}} \Big) & \quad \text{if } \theta_{\alpha} < |w| \le \theta_{\beta}\\ &= 0 & \quad \text{otherwise}\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

Computing Threshold

  • \(f_{\beta}(r) = k_2 \cdot exp \Big(-\beta \frac{w_{max}}{k_2} \times \frac{r}{2} \Big)\)

  • \(\theta_{\alpha} = f_{\beta}(r) \quad \text{if } f_{\beta}(r) \ge k_1\) otherwise \(\theta_{\alpha} = k_1\)

  • \(\theta_{\gamma} = g_f \times \theta_{\alpha}\) , where a default value for ‘g_f = 0.8’ For Soft-threshold

  • \(\theta_{\beta} = b_f \times \theta_{\alpha}\) , where a default value for ‘b_f = 2’ For Linear Attenuation

  • input single-channel signal of shape (n,)

wv = str, ‘db3’(default) wavelet
  • one of wavelet family {‘db3’…..’db38’, ‘sym2…..sym20’,

    ‘coif1…..coif17’, ‘bior1.1….bior6.8’,

    ‘rbio1.1…rbio6.8’, ‘dmey’}

winsize: int, deafult=128
  • window size to apply ATAR

hopesize: int, None, default=None,
  • overlap shift for next window

  • if None, hopesize=winsize//2

  • only used when recons_method={‘atar-style’,’atar’,’custom’}

Operating modes
OptMode: str, {‘soft’,’elim’,’linAtten’}, default ‘soft’
  • Operating Modes:

  • soft: soft-thresholding (need theta_a, and theta_g)

  • elim: Elimination mode (need theta_a)

  • linAtten: Linear Attenuation mode (need theta_a and theta_b)
    • given bf and gf (default bf = 2, gf=0.8)

    • where:-
      • theta_b = bf*theta_a – used for Linear Attenuation

      • theta_g = gf*theta_a – used for Soft thresholding

*Threshold Computation method*
thr_method: str, {‘ipr’, None}
  • Computing method for threshold

  • if ‘ipr’ ‘theta_a’ is computed as per ATAR’s approach

  • if None, passed value of ‘theta_a’ is used along with (bf, gf)

IPR: list of two default=[25,75]
  • To compute Interpercentile range r

  • e.g. [10,90], [30,70]

  • Higher the range is, threshold is more affected by outliers

  • Interpercentile range r is mapped to threshold, using beta, k1 and k2

beta: float (0,1] default=0.1
  • beta as tuning parameter for threshold

  • higher the value, more aggressive is the algorithm to remove artifacts

(k1,k2) :scalars, defualt (10,100)
  • lower and upper bounds on the threshold value

  • should be of same order as signal magnitude.

  • if signal is in volts, values will be of order 1e-6, then k1 and k2 should be around those order

  • defult values k1=10, k2=100 are chosen for signal with unit of microVolt (uV), of order of 100s


k1,k2 bounds if k2 is very high (e.g. 100) and signal amplitude is in 1e-3, 1e-6, ATAR will have no effect on the signal, as theshold to identify and remove artifacts will be so high.

est_wmax: int, default=100
  • est_wmax is the value in the expression (15 in paper) or above Computing Threshold equations w_max

*Wavelet Decomposition*
wpd_mode: str, default ‘symmetric’
  • one of the {‘zero’, ‘constant’, ‘symmetric’, ‘periodic’,

    ‘smooth’, ‘periodization’}

wpd_maxlevel: int, defualt=None
  • maximum number of levels for decomposition,

  • if None, max possible number of level are used.

verbose: int
  • verbosity mode

Experimental Settings


NOT RECOMMONEDED TO CHANGE Following parameters are experimental, they are not recommonded to change, and leave as default

WPD: bool, default=True
  • if False Wavelet Transform is used for decompisiton of signal, else Wavelet Packet Decomposition is used

packetwise: bool, deafult=False
  • if True, threshold is computed and applied to each packet independently.

lvl: list defualt=[]
  • if provided, ATAR is applied to provided level numbers only.

recons_method: str deafult=’atar-style’
  • reconstruction method after applying atar to each window.

  • one of {‘atar-style’, ‘atar’, ‘custom’, ‘HamWin’,’Hamming’}



window: list of two default=[‘hamming’,True]
  • window function, and if windowing is applied before or after atar

XR: corrected signal of same shape as input X

See also


Automatic and Tuanable Artifact Removal Algorithm


ATAR for multiple channel


ICA based Artifact Removal Algorithm


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import spkit as sp
X,fs, ch_names = sp.data.eeg_sample_14ch()
X = sp.filterDC_sGolay(X, window_length=fs//3+1)
t = np.arange(X.shape[0])/fs
# Single Channel
x = X[:,0] 
xc1 = sp.eeg.ATAR_1Ch(x,wv='db3', winsize=128, thr_method='ipr',beta=0.1, k1=10, k2=100,OptMode='soft',verbose=1)
xc2 = sp.eeg.ATAR_1Ch(x,wv='db3', winsize=128, thr_method='ipr',beta=0.1, k1=10, k2=100,OptMode='linAtten',verbose=1)
xc3 = sp.eeg.ATAR_1Ch(x,wv='db3', winsize=128, thr_method='ipr',beta=0.1, k1=10, k2=100,OptMode='elim',verbose=1)
plt.plot(t,x, label='$x$: raw EEG - single channel')
plt.plot(t,xc1,label=r'$x_{c1}$: Soft Thresholding')
plt.plot(t,xc2,label=r'$x_{c2}$: Linear Attenuation')
plt.plot(t,xc3,label=r'$x_{c3}$: Elimination')
plt.title(r'ATAR Algorithm')
plt.plot(t,x, label='$x$: raw EEG - single channel')
plt.plot(t,xc1,label=r'$x_{c1}$: Soft Thresholding')
plt.plot(t,xc2,label=r'$x_{c2}$: Linear Attenuation')
plt.plot(t,xc3,label=r'$x_{c3}$: Elimination')
plt.title(r'ATAR Algorithm')
plt.xlabel('time (s)')