
spkit.mutual_info(x, y, base=2, is_discrete=False, bins='fd', return_n_bins=False, verbose=False, ignoreZero=False)

Mututal Information \(I(X;Y)\)

\[I(X;Y) = H(X)+H(Y)-H(X,Y)\]
\[I(X;Y) = H(X) - H(X|Y)\]
\[0 <= I(X;Y) <= min\{ H(x), H(y)\}\]
is_discrete: bool, default=False.
  • If True, frequency of unique values are used to estimate I(x,y)

base: base of log,
  • decides the unit of entropy

  • if base=2 (default) unit of entropy is in bits, base=e, nats, base=10, bans

bins: {str, int, [int, int]}.
  • str decides the method of compute bin-width, bins=’fd’ (default) is considered as optimal bin-width of a real-values signal/sequence.

  • check bin_width for more Methods

  • if bins is an integer, then fixed number of bins are computed for both x, and y.

  • if bins is a list of 2 integer ([Nx, Ny]),then Nx and Ny are number of bins for x, and y respectively.

return_n_bins: bool, (default=False)
  • if True, number of bins are also returned.

ignoreZero: bool, default=False
  • if true, probabilities with zero value will be omited, before computations

  • It doesn’t make much of difference

IMutual Information I(x,y)
(Nx, Ny)tuple of 2
  • number of bins for x and y, respectively (only if return_n_bins=True)

See also


Joint Entropy


Conditional Entropy


KL-diversion Entropy


Cross Entropy


>>> #sp.mutual_info
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import spkit as sp
>>> np.random.seed(1)
>>> x = np.random.randn(1000)
>>> y1 = 0.1*x + 0.9*np.random.randn(1000)
>>> y2 = 0.9*x + 0.1*np.random.randn(1000)
>>> I_xy1 = sp.mutual_info(x,y1)
>>> I_xy2 = sp.mutual_info(x,y2)
>>> print(r'I(x,y1) = ',I_xy1, '\t| y1 /= e x')
>>> print(r'I(x,y2) = ',I_xy2, '\t| y2 ~ x')
>>> np.random.seed(None)
I(x,y1) =  0.29196123466326007      | y1 /= e x
I(x,y2) =  2.6874431530714116       | y2 ~ x

Examples using spkit.mutual_info

Entropy - EEG Signal - Multi-Channel

Entropy - EEG Signal - Multi-Channel