
spkit.io.read_bdf(file_name, verbose=False, readSignal='readSignal', nCh=None, fs_meth='getSampleFrequency', attrs={}, methods={}, channel_axis=-1)

Read EDF/BDF File

Read EDF/BDF File EDF/BDF files are generated by medical instruments and other sensing devices.

  • file name with full path, e.g. ‘../../my_signal_recording.bdf’

readSignalstr, default=’readSignal’
  • method name to read signal, default ‘readSignal’, which is used as

  • x = fileObj.readSignal(i) to read ith channel

nChint,>0, default=None
  • numnber of channels to read, if None, nCh is extracted from file attributes

  • as passed attr[‘nCh] = ‘signals_in_file’

fs_methstr,default =’getSampleFrequency’
  • method to read sampling frequency from fileObj

attrs: dict, default =dict()
  • dict of attributes to read from fileObj

  • if empty, predefined setting is used

  • predefined setting: attrs_default = {‘nCh’:’signals_in_file’,’patient’:’patient’}

methodsdict, default =dict()
  • dict of methods to use to extract information

  • if empty, predefined setting is used

  • predefined setting: methds_deafult = {‘ch_labels’:’getSignalLabels’, ‘ch_header’:’getSignalHeaders’,


channel_axis: default=-1
  • default setting is to return channel on axis -1, to be consistent with other function,

  • To get channels in axis 0, set channel_axis=0.

  • (n,nch) = (number of samples, number of channels,)

  • Sampling Frequency

ch_labels: list,
  • full list of cahnnel labels

info: dict
  • dict of all the attribuates, correspoding to each channel in fileObj


>>> import spkit as sp
>>> file_name = 'full_accessible_path/to_bdf_file.bdf'
>>> X,fs,ch_labels,info = sp.io.read_bdf(file_name)

Examples using spkit.io.read_bdf

EEG Data from EDF File

EEG Data from EDF File