- class spkit.ICA(n_components=None, max_pca_components=None, n_pca_components=None, random_state=None, method='fastica', fit_params=None, max_iter=200)¶
Independent Component Analysis
Signal decomposition using Independent Component Analysis (ICA), very usefule for EEG signal decompositions Including InfoMax, Extendent InfoMax and Picard methods, default as FastICA as usual
\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}S = A*X\\X = W*S\end{aligned}\end{align} \]- where:
X : input data shape (nf,ns), nf- number of features or number of channels, ns- number of samples
S : decomposed data (n,ns) n - number of components choosen, default n=nf
A : Transform matirx (n,n)
W : inverse transform matrix (n,n)
Python implementation of the ICA algorithms: FastICA including, infomax, extendented infomax and picard.
- Parameters:
- n_componentsint, None
The number of components used for ICA decomposition. it must be smaller than ‘max_pca_components’.
If None, all PCA components will be used default None, set to max number of components
- max_pca_componentsint, None
The number of components used for PCA decomposition. If None, no dimensionality reduction will be applied and
will equal the number of channels (number of features) supplied for decomposing data.
- n_pca_components: int, float
The number of PCA components used after ICA recomposition.
- random_state: None, int,
instance of np.random.RandomState
- method{‘fastica’, ‘infomax’, ‘extended-infomax’, ‘picard’}
The ICA method to use. Defaults to ‘fastica’. For reference, see [1]_, [2]_, [3]_ and [4]_.
- fit_paramsdict, None
Additional parameters passed to the ICA estimator as specified by
.- max_iterint
Maximum number of iterations during fit.
- Attributes:
- Estimated Values
- * pca_mean_
mean substacted from data before computing PCA
- * pca_components_
PCA transform matrix
- * pca_explained_variance_
variance of Principle components
- * unmixing_matrix_
ICA unmixing matrix A
- * mixing_matrix_
ICA mixing matrix W
- * whitener_
Standard deviaation of data before applying ICA
- * n_components
- * max_pca_components
- * n_pca_components
- * random_state
- * fit_params
- fit(self, X, normalize=False):
Fitting to data matrix X, X ndarray (nf,ns)
- transform(self, Xdata):
Decompose Xdata into Independent Components return Xd (ndarray)
- get_tMatrix(self):
Get Tranformation matrix return A (n,n)
- get_sMatrix(self):
Get Inverse Transform matrix return W (n,n)
- whitening(self, X):
To normlize the standard deviation of entire data (not the usual normailization)
- [1] Hyvärinen, A., 1999. Fast and robust fixed-point algorithms for
independent component analysis. IEEE transactions on Neural Networks, 10(3), pp.626-634.
- [2] Bell, A.J., Sejnowski, T.J., 1995. An information-maximization
approach to blind separation and blind deconvolution. Neural computation, 7(6), pp.1129-1159.
- [3] Lee, T.W., Girolami, M., Sejnowski, T.J., 1999. Independent
component analysis using an extended infomax algorithm for mixed subgaussian and supergaussian sources. Neural computation, 11(2), pp.417-441.
- [4] Ablin, P., Cardoso, J.F., Gramfort, A., 2017. Faster Independent
Component Analysis by preconditioning with Hessian approximations. arXiv:1706.08171
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import spkit as sp X,fs, ch_names = sp.data.eeg_sample_14ch() Xf = sp.filterDC_sGolay(X, window_length=fs//3+1) x = Xf[128*10:128*12,:] t = np.arange(x.shape[0])/128.0 myICA = sp.ICA(n_components=14,method='fastica') myICA.fit(x.T) s1 = myICA.transform(x.T) myICA = sp.ICA(n_components=14,method='infomax') myICA.fit(x.T) s2 = myICA.transform(x.T) myICA = sp.ICA(n_components=14,method='picard') myICA.fit(x.T) s3 = myICA.transform(x.T) myICA = sp.ICA(n_components=14,method='extended-infomax') myICA.fit(x.T) s4 = myICA.transform(x.T) methods = ('fastica', 'infomax', 'extended-infomax', 'picard') icap = ['ICA'+str(i) for i in range(1,15)] plt.figure(figsize=(15,15)) plt.subplot(321) plt.plot(t,x+np.arange(-7,7)*200) plt.xlim([t[0],t[-1]]) plt.yticks(np.arange(-7,7)*200,ch_names) plt.title('X : EEG Data') plt.subplot(322) plt.plot(t,s1.T+np.arange(-7,7)*700) plt.xlim([t[0],t[-1]]) plt.yticks(np.arange(-7,7)*700,icap) plt.title('FastICA') plt.subplot(323) plt.plot(t,s2.T+np.arange(-7,7)*700) plt.xlim([t[0],t[-1]]) plt.yticks(np.arange(-7,7)*700,icap) plt.title('Infomax') plt.subplot(324) plt.plot(t,s3.T+np.arange(-7,7)*700) plt.xlim([t[0],t[-1]]) plt.yticks(np.arange(-7,7)*700,icap) plt.title('Picard') plt.subplot(325) plt.plot(t,s4.T+np.arange(-7,7)*700) plt.xlim([t[0],t[-1]]) plt.yticks(np.arange(-7,7)*700,icap) plt.title('Extended-Infomax') plt.tight_layout() plt.show()
(X[, normalize])Fitting to data matrix X, X ndarray (nf,ns)
Get Inverse Transform matrix
Get Tranformation matrix
(Xdata)Decompose Xdata into Independent Components
(X)Whitening of matrix
- fit(X, normalize=False)¶
Fitting to data matrix X, X ndarray (nf,ns)
Run the ICA decomposition on X.
- Parameters:
- X = array like:
Shape (nf,ns) or (nCh, nSamples)
- get_sMatrix()¶
Get Inverse Transform matrix
Get Final ICA weight matrix.
- Returns:
- Matrixarray, shape (n_channels, n_components)
The ICA weights (maps).
- get_tMatrix()¶
Get Tranformation matrix
- transform(Xdata)¶
Decompose Xdata into Independent Components
Compute sources from data (operates inplace).
- whitening(X)¶
Whitening of matrix