4.8. Signal Temporal Mapping

4.8.1. Linear mapping Quantization

Quantize signal into discreet levels

Before quantization, signal is equalise using either of three methods (1) A-Law, (2) Mu-Law, or (3) Cummulative Distribution Function

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import spkit as sp
x,fs,_ = sp.data.ecg_sample_12leads(sample=3)
x = x[:1000,0]
t = np.arange(len(x))/fs
y1, yint = sp.quantize_signal(x.copy(),n_levels=5)
y2, yint = sp.quantize_signal(x.copy(),n_levels=11)
y3, yint = sp.quantize_signal(x.copy(),n_levels=31)
m1 = np.mean((x-y1)**2)
m2 = np.mean((x-y2)**2)
m3 = np.mean((x-y3)**2)
plt.plot(t,x,alpha=0.8 ,label='x')
plt.plot(t,y1,alpha=0.8,label=f'y1: L=5,  MSE={m1:,.4f}')
plt.plot(t,y2,alpha=0.8,label=f'y2: L=11, MSE={m2:,.4f}')
plt.plot(t,y3,alpha=0.8,label=f'y3: L=31, MSE={m3:,.4f}')
plt.xlabel('time (s)')
plt.show() Low resolution

Reducing the time-resolution of signal \(x\)

Reducing the time-resolution of signal : x. It is similar as downsampling (or decimation) of a signal, except it is averaged around removed samples.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import spkit as sp
x,fs,_ = sp.data.ecg_sample_12leads(sample=3)
x = x[1000:2000,0]
x = x + 0.1*np.random.randn(len(x))
t = np.arange(len(x))/fs
N = 5
y1 = x[::N] # decimation by factor of N
y2 = sp.low_resolution(x.copy(),scale=N)

4.8.2. Non-linear mapping A-Law

A-Law for companding and expanding (Non-linear mapping)

A-Law for companding and expanding - A-Law is one of the ways to map gaussian, or laplacian distribuated signal to uniformly distributed one - for companding - smaller amplitude values are stretched (since they have high-probabilty)

and large amplitutde values are compressed (since they have low probabiltity)

  • for expending - it reverts the mapping

for -1 ≤ x ≤ 1 and 1 < A

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}y(n) &= sign(x)* \frac{A|x|}{(1 + log(A))} if |x|<1/A\\ &= sign(x)* \frac{((1 + log(A|x|))} {(1 + log(A)))} else\end{aligned}\end{align} \]


\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}y(n) = sign(x)* \frac{|x|(1+log(A))} {A} if |x|<1/(1+log(A))\\ = sign(x)* \frac{(exp(-1 + |x|(1+log(A))))} {A} else\end{aligned}\end{align} \]
  • An alternative to μ-Law

  • The μ-law algorithm provides a slightly larger dynamic range than the A-law at the cost of worse proportional distortions for small signals. μ-Law

μ-Law for companding and expanding (Non-linear mapping)

μ-Law is one of the ways to map gaussian, or laplacian distribuated signal to uniformly distributed one - for companding - smaller amplitude values are stretched (since they have high-probabilty)

and large amplitutde values are compressed (since they have low probabiltity)

  • for expending - it reverts the mapping

for -1 ≤ x ≤ 1


\[y(n) = sign(x)* \frac{log(1 + μ|x|)}{log(1 + μ)}\]


\[y(n) = sign(x)* \frac{((1 + μ)**|x| - 1)}{μ}\]
  • An alternative to A-Law

  • The μ-law algorithm provides a slightly larger dynamic range than the A-law at the cost of worse proportional distortions for small signals. CDF Mapping

CDF: Cumulative Distribution Function Mapping (Non-linear mapping)

Map the signal x to y from into CDF of x, y will be uniformly disctribuated anf ranges from 0 to 1. [1]

CDF: Cumulative Distribution Function

\[y(n) = P(X<=x(n))\]

References Click for more details