- spkit.wpa_coeff(x, wv='db3', mode='symmetric', maxlevel=None, verticle_stacked=True)¶
Wavelet Packet Decomposition
Wavelet Packet Decomposition
- Parameters:
- x: 1d signal array
- wvwavelet type, default = ‘db3’
- mode: {‘symmetric’, ..}, default=’symmetric’
- maxlevel: int, or None, default=None
maximum levels of decomposition will result in 2**maxlevel packets
- verticle_stacked: bool, default=True
if True, coefficients are vertically stacked - good for temporal alignment
- Returns:
- WK: Wavelet Packet Coeeficients
if verticle_stacked True : shape (2**maxlevel, k), 2**maxlevel - packets with k coeeficient in each
if verticle_stacked False: shape (2**maxlevel * k, )
See also
#sp.wpa_coeff import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import spkit as sp x,fs,lead_names = sp.data.ecg_sample_12leads(sample=2) x = x[:int(fs*5),5] x = sp.filterDC_sGolay(x, window_length=fs//3+1) t = np.arange(len(x))/fs WK = sp.wpa_coeff(x,wv='db3',mode='symmetric',maxlevel=3, verticle_stacked=True) plt.figure(figsize=(10,5)) plt.subplot(211) plt.plot(t,x) plt.xlim([t[0],t[-1]]) plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('ECG Signal') plt.grid() plt.subplot(212) plt.imshow(np.log(np.abs(WK)+0.01),aspect='auto',cmap='jet',) plt.ylabel('Wavelet Packets') plt.xlabel('time (n)') plt.tight_layout() plt.show()