- spkit.peak_interp(mX, pX, ploc)¶
Interpolate peak using parabolic interpolation
Interpolate peak values using parabolic interpolation
- refined loction:
- \[kp_{new} = kp + 0.5*(X[kp-1] - X[kp+1])/(X[kp-1] -2*X[kp]+X[kp+1])\]
- refined value:
- \[X_{new} = X[kp] + 0.25*(kp_new - kp)*(X[kp-1] - X[kp+1])\]
- Parameters:
- mXmagnitude spectrum
- pXphase spectrum
- ploc: locations of peaks
- Returns:
- interpolated - refined locations of frequencies and corresponding magnitude and phase:
- iplocpeak location
- ipmagmagnitude values
- ipphase: phase values
#sp.peak_interp import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import spkit as sp X, fs, ch_names = sp.data.eeg_sample_14ch() x = X[:,0] mX, fr = sp.periodogram(x,fs=fs) N = (len(fr)-1)*2 mX = 20*np.log10(mX) ploc = sp.peak_detection(mX, thr=0) iploc, _, _ = sp.peak_interp(mX, pX=mX, ploc=ploc) peak_int = fs*iploc/N print('Peaks Detected :',fr[ploc],'Hz') print('Peaks Interpolated :',peak_int.round(1),'Hz') plt.figure(figsize=(7,4)) plt.plot(fr,mX) plt.plot(fr[ploc],mX[ploc],'o') plt.vlines(fr[ploc],ymin=-80,ymax=70,color='C1',ls='--',alpha=0.5) plt.axhline(0,color='k',lw=1,ls='--') plt.ylim([-80,70]) plt.xlim([0,fr[-1]]) plt.grid() plt.ylabel('mX (dB)') plt.title('Spectral Peaks: EEG Signal') plt.show()
##################################### #sp.peak_interp import requests from scipy.io import wavfile import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import spkit as sp path = 'https://github.com/MLEndDatasets/samples/raw/main/HWD_HP_hum_1.wav?raw=True' req = requests.get(path) with open('downloaded_file.wav', 'wb') as f: f.write(req.content) fs, x = wavfile.read('downloaded_file.wav') t = np.arange(x.shape[0])/fs mX, pX, N = sp.dft_analysis(x[int(1*fs):int(1.2*fs)]) fr = (fs/2)*np.arange(len(mX))/(len(mX)-1) thr = 30 ploc = sp.peak_detection(mX, thr=thr) iploc, ipmag, ipphase = sp.peak_interp(mX, pX, ploc) peak_int = fs*iploc/N print('Peaks detected : ',fr[ploc], 'Hz') print('Peaks Interpolated : ',peak_int, 'Hz') plt.figure(figsize=(7,4)) plt.plot(fr,mX) plt.plot(fr[ploc],mX[ploc],'.') plt.axhline(thr,color='k',lw=1,ls='--') plt.ylim([-80,80]) plt.xlim([-1,2500]) plt.grid() plt.ylabel('mX (dB)') plt.title('Spectral Peaks: Audio') plt.show()