Ramanujan Filter Banks for period estimation

Ramanujan Filter Banks

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys, scipy
from scipy import linalg as LA
import spkit as sp

Ramanujan Filter Banks for period estimation

Ramanujan Filter Banks [1] are based on the arithmetic-functions in number theory and due to interesting properties, this can be used to estimate the period of repeating patterns in a short sequence, where classical DFT fails to recognize.

The approach is based on Ramanujan sum [2], defined as:

\[c_q(n) = \sum_{k=1, gcd(k,q)=1}^{q} W_q^{kn} + \sum_{k=1, gcd(k,q)=1}^{q} W_q^{-kn}\]

where \(W_q = e^{j2\pi/q}\)

#TODO - details


[1] Vaidyanathan, Palghat P., and Srikanth Tenneti. “Srinivasa Ramanujan and signal-processing problems.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 378.2163 (2020): 20180446. [2] Ramanujan, Srinivasa. “On certain trigonometrical sums and their applications in the theory of numbers.” Trans. Cambridge Philos. Soc 22.13 (1918): 259-276.

Example demo 1

sp.RFB_example_1(period=10, SNR=0, seed=10)
../_images/Ramanujan_Filter_Banks_for_Period_Estimation_Demo_examples_5_0.png ../_images/Ramanujan_Filter_Banks_for_Period_Estimation_Demo_examples_5_1.png ../_images/Ramanujan_Filter_Banks_for_Period_Estimation_Demo_examples_5_2.png
top 10 periods:  [10  5 11 18 17 16 15 14 13 12]

Example demo 2

sp.RFB_example_2(periods=[3, 7, 11], signal_length=100, SNR=10, seed=15)
../_images/Ramanujan_Filter_Banks_for_Period_Estimation_Demo_examples_7_0.png ../_images/Ramanujan_Filter_Banks_for_Period_Estimation_Demo_examples_7_1.png
top 10 periods:  [ 3  7 11  2  6  5 10 15  4  8]
top 10 periods:  [ 3  2 89 65 61 67 52 71 70 79]
top 10 periods:  [ 3  7  2  6  5 11  4  8 10 13]
../_images/Ramanujan_Filter_Banks_for_Period_Estimation_Demo_examples_7_7.png ../_images/Ramanujan_Filter_Banks_for_Period_Estimation_Demo_examples_7_8.png
top 10 periods:  [ 3 11  7 28 50 90 34 26 27 29]

Example demo 2 with diff periods

sp.RFB_example_2(periods=[3,7,14], signal_length=100, SNR=10, seed=15)
../_images/Ramanujan_Filter_Banks_for_Period_Estimation_Demo_examples_9_0.png ../_images/Ramanujan_Filter_Banks_for_Period_Estimation_Demo_examples_9_1.png
top 10 periods:  [ 3  2  6  7 10  5 11 13 15 16]
top 10 periods:  [ 2  3 89 65 67 68 64 61 79 87]
top 10 periods:  [ 3  2  6  7  5 11 10 13  9  8]
../_images/Ramanujan_Filter_Banks_for_Period_Estimation_Demo_examples_9_7.png ../_images/Ramanujan_Filter_Banks_for_Period_Estimation_Demo_examples_9_8.png
top 10 periods:  [ 7  3 14 90 34 26 27 28 29 30]
Help on function RFB in module core.ramanujam_methods:

RFB(x, Pmax=10, Rcq=10, Rav=2, Th=0.2, Penalty=None, return_filters=False, apply_averaging=True)
    Ramanujan Filter Banks for Estimation and Tracking of Periodicity
    x    = 1d array, sequence of signal
    Pmax = the largest expected period.
    Rcq  = Number of repeats in each Ramanujan filter
    Rav  = Number of repeats in each averaging filter
    Th   = Outputs of the RFB are thresholded to zero for all values less than Th*max(output)
    Penalt = penalty for each period shape=(len(Pmax)),
             If None, then set to 1, means no penalty
    y = 2d array of shape = (len(x),Pmax), time vs period matrix, normalized
    if return_filters==True: also returns
    FR = list of Ramanujan Filters
    FA = list of Averaging Filters
    [1] S.V. Tenneti and P. P. Vaidyanathan, "Ramanujan Filter Banks for Estimation
    and Tracking of Periodicity", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust.
    Speech, and Signal Proc., Brisbane, April 2015.
    [2] P.P. Vaidyanathan and S.V. Tenneti, "Properties of Ramanujan Filter Banks",
    Proc. European Signal Processing Conference, France, August 2015.
    Python impletation is done by using matlab code version from
    - http://systems.caltech.edu/dsp/students/srikanth/Ramanujan/